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Glamping D'Estrellas features an exciting and intensive 5 days of education, exploration and experiences that will last forever. Check out the itinerary below to get ready for the adventure of a lifetime

Arrival Day

Welcome to Glamping D'Estellas. Meet and greet with the staff and fellow study abroaders. After, it's now time to set up your site and then get acquainted with the property.

Image by Ibrahim Razzan

Day 2: Beach Snorkeling

Snorkeling exploration at Playa Coson and Playa Bonita. Scavenge for common marine life and coral habitats.

Playa Coson
Image by Carolina Garcia
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Playa Bonita

Day 3: Conservation Day

Conservation Day is a full
day of labor intensive;
cleaning, digging, and
caring at one of the 29
Dominican Republic
National Parks. Learn
native species of plants,
trees, and flowers.

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Image by Florian Schneider

Day 4: Horseback Riding

Take an expedition on
horseback and scale the 200
steps to El Limon Waterfall.
Swim or just bask in the


Departing Day

The hardest part of adventure is when it is over. Time to pack up, leaving not a trace of any existence as best possible. You'll be bringing back knowledge, memories, and if there's enough room in your luggage a souvenir or two. Nos veremos más tarde

Image by Amine rock hoovr

Want more?

All programs and curriculum can be customized to fit the needs of any group, organization, etc. Just contact us and let us know what types of adventure and experiences intrigue you.

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